LAKE I come from Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes. Why is Minnesota a land of 10,000 lakes? Glaciers from the last Ice Age that covered most of the state receded and then there were actually more than 10,000 lakes.... Many have dried up and we now have 14,380 according to Minnesota's Department of Natural Resources.
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The solid and broken bars in the eight image tiles in the top navigation are called trigrams. The octagonal trigram pattern is a common symbol for the Chinese term Bagua. The pattern has eight (ba) areas (guas). "South" is always found at the top of the Bagua. Each trigram represents a particular natural phenomena: Sky ☰, Lake ☱, Fire ☲, Thunder ☳, Wind ☴, Water ☵, Mountain ☶, Earth ☷. If you click on a trigram, it will take you to the corresponding taekwondo form page. Each form has a trigram which I describe scientifically and call scigrams. The tangram animation in the middle of the trigram tiles is supposed to represent a kicking woman. A tangram is a puzzle which originated in China. It is created out of seven flat polygons that can be put together to form shapes.

The movements are listed here so that you can see the Korean translation for some of the techniques by hovering over the green and pink highlighted text.

trunk reverse punch ?The sides of the forward leg and the punching arm are the same. - momtong pandae chirugi
parallel stance - naranhi sogi
left/right front stance, walking stance - oen /orun ap sogi
left/right forward stance The feet are wider apart than for the front stance - oen /orun ap kubi
low block - arae makki
inside block (from inside to outside) - an makki
high block/face block - eul gool makki
front kick - ap chagi
high punch/face punch - eul gool chirugi
return - parot
middle punch - momtoong chirugi
parallel stance (1)
walking stance,
forward stance
Turn 90° to the left, left low block in walking stance, right middle punch in right forward stance. (1), 2
walking stance,
forward stance
Turn 180° to the right, right low block in walking stance, step forward left side, left middle punch in left forward stance.3, 4
walking stanceTurn 90° to the left, right inside block in walking stance, step forward left side, left inside block in right walking stance.5, 6
walking stance,
forward stance
Turn 90° to the left, left low block in walking stance, right front kick, right high punch in right forward stance.7, 8
walking stance,
forward stance
Turn 180° to the right, right low block in walking stance, left front kick, left high punch in left forward stance.9, 10
walking stanceTurn 90° to the left, left high block in walking stance, right leg forward, right high block in walking stance. 11, 12
walking stanceTurn 270° to the left, right inside block in walking stance.13
walking stanceTurn 180° to the right, left inside block in walking stance.14
walking stanceTurn 90° to the left, left low block in walking stance.15
walking stanceFront kick, middle punch same side, right.16
walking stanceFront kick, middle punch same side, left.17
walking stanceFront kick, middle punch same side, right.18
parallel stanceReturn. Turn 180° to the left moving left foot.Kuman

Learn just enough Hangeul to complete a crossword puzzle!


PDF documents with taekwondo vocabulary in English, Hangeul, and transliterated Hangeul to download. I had a native Korean proofread the original documents and he corrected the Hangeul in red pen.
TKD Vocabulary: Korean to English Vocabulary for Forms TKD Vocabulary: English to Korean

Lesson 2

Taegeuk Ee Jang, Only One New Technique

Useful words    
dobok, dubok, tubok 도복 uniform
dojang, to jang 도장 martial arts school
gam sa hab nida 감 사 합 니 다 thank you
keeyup, kiyap, ki hap 기합 loud shout
kyong nye 경 례 bow
kup color belt
parot 바로 return
poom, pom black belt ranking
poomse, pumse, poom sae 폼세 form, pattern
sa bum nim, sabom nim 사범 님 instructor, sir
ye, ne yes
anio 아니요 no
Punches, Strikes, Thrusts 치기, 찌르기 chigi, chirugi
eulgool pandae chirugi 얼굴 반대 찌르기 Reverse high punch – The sides of the forward leg and the punching arm are the same.