MOUNTAIN Three physical processes can cause mountain formation: plate tectonics, volcanoes, and erosion.
  1. Plate tectonics - When two tectonic plates collide, they press up against each other, buckle up and fold. The land then lifts into mountainous forms and grows taller as the plates continue to collide.
  2. ...
  3. Volcanoes - When hot magma rises to the earth's surface and erupts, a volcano can form. Magma can also solidify below the surface to form dome mountains.
  4. Erosion - Rivers, over millions of years, carve away at uplifted rocks, contributing to the sculpting and shaping of mountains.
Photo courtesy of, Krista Johanson

The solid and broken bars in the eight image tiles in the top navigation are called trigrams. The octagonal trigram pattern is a common symbol for the Chinese term Bagua. The pattern has eight (ba) areas (guas). "South" is always found at the top of the Bagua. Each trigram represents a particular natural phenomena: Sky ☰, Lake ☱, Fire ☲, Thunder ☳, Wind ☴, Water ☵, Mountain ☶, Earth ☷. If you click on a trigram, it will take you to the corresponding taekwondo form page. Each form has a trigram which I describe scientifically and call scigrams. The tangram animation in the middle of the trigram tiles is supposed to represent a kicking woman. A tangram is a puzzle which originated in China. It is created out of seven flat polygons that can be put together to form shapes.

The movements are listed here so that you can see the Korean translation for some of the techniques by hovering over the green and pink highlighted text.

parallel stance - naranhi sogi
left/right front stance, walking stance - oen /orun ap sogi
left/right forward stance ?The feet are wider apart than for the front stance - oen /orun ap kubi
ready stance - chunbi sogi
front kick - ap chagi
back stance, backward stance twit kubi, dwit koobi
body block momtong makki
back fist strike to face dung chumok ap chigi
covered fist pojumok
back fist spreading strike tu chumok momtong (c)hech yo chirugi
knee strike murup chigi
back fist high outside strike dung chumok eulgool pakkat chigi
elbow target strike pal gup pyojok chigi
side thrust, side strike yop chirugi
palm hand inside block patang son momtong an makki
outside forearm middle spreading or scattered block pakkat palmok momtong (c)hech yo makki
low X-block, cross arm low block, downward thrust block ot goro arae makki
palm hand assisted inside block (from inside to outside) koduro patang son an makki
double scissors block
1. right low block to left body block
2. left low block to right body block tubon kawi makki (4 techniques)
single knife hand sideways block han sonnal momtong yop makki
tiger or cat stance pom sogi
cross stance kkoa sogi
horse-riding stance chuchum sogi
closed stance, like charyot but the toes are together moa sogi
inside crescent target kick pyojok chagi
knife-hand low block sonnal arae makki
ready stance  
tiger stanceTurn 90° to the left while executing palm hand inside block. That is, the body is facing forward in tiger stance and at the end of the block, the palm is held upwards with the fingertips at solar plexus level. Then, right front kick, return foot to its original position and left body block (blocking from outside to inside).1, 2
right tiger stance (right front heel is off the ground)Turn 180° to the right while executing palm hand inside block, left front kick, return foot to its original position and then right body block. 3, 4
back stanceMove the left foot forward into right back stance while executing knife-hand low block. Move into left back stance by turning the left foot and stepping forward right side while executing knife-hand low block. 5, 6
tiger stanceStep into left tiger stance by moving the left foot forward. Execute the palm hand assisted inside block. Back fist strike to the face (chin level).7, 8
tiger stancePivot into right tiger stance. Palm hand assisted inside block. Back fist front strike to the face (chin level). 9, 10
closed stance, forward stanceTurn 90 ° to the left while executing covered fist. The fist is at mouth level and covered with the other palm one inch away. Move the left foot one step forward into left forward stance. Execute the double scissors block: right palm hand low block and left palm hand body block. Left palm hand low block and right palm hand body block. Move the right foot one step forward into right front stance and repeat the double scissors block.11, 12, 13
forward stanceTurn 270° to the left into left forward stance. In left forward stance, do the open block (fists are at shoulders). After the knee strike, the right knee pulls up while arms move downwards as if you are breaking a bar; it looks like you are bringing a bar downwards and breaking it with your upward thrusting knee. This is called back fist spreading strike14
cross stanceJump forward into right cross stance, double fisted upper punch. The upper punch (or upper cut) is done by thrusting your fists upward from the waist to chest level while you are in right cross stance.15
forward stanceOutside forearm middle spreading block. Move your left foot back into right front stance and then cross arm low block into front stance, the cross arm low block is where both of the fists are together at shoulder level and you are turned to the side and then the fists are thrust downwards. The cross arm low block looks like you've turned your upper body to the left and your fists are carrying a bag over your shoulder. Then you throw your fists down as if you are throwing something to the ground. 16
forward stance, cross stance, forward stance Turn 180° to the right into right forward stance. (You turn towards the back instead of towards the front this time.) Execute three blocks with both arms. This is the same as pooms 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19
walking stance,
horse-riding stance
Turn 90° to the left into left walking stance so that you face towards the back (not the side) and execute left back fist high outside strike. You keep your arm outstretched and hold your left open palm still while executing the target kick with your right foot. (You use your left palm as the target and kick the palm with your right foot. This is called elbow target strike.) After this hold your arms in front of you bent in horse-riding stance. 20, 21
walking stance,
horse-riding stance
Then you move into right walking stance facing backwards and hold your right palm outstretched. You kick the right palm with your left foot. This is called inside crescent target kick. Then you hold your arms bent at the elbow. (Right backfist high outside strike) 22, 23
horse-riding stanceWith both feet fixed in horse riding stance, left single knife hand sideways block. Right side thrust (place the left hand to the left side.) Kiyap. 24, 25
parallel stance,
ready stance

Learn just enough Hangeul to complete a crossword puzzle!


PDF documents with taekwondo vocabulary in English, Hangeul, and transliterated Hangeul to download. I had a native Korean proofread the original documents and he corrected the Hangeul in red pen.
TKD Vocabulary: Korean to English Vocabulary for Forms TKD Vocabulary: English to Korean

Lesson 7

Taegeuk Chil Jang, New Techniques

Punches, Strikes, Thrusts 치기, 지르기 chigi, chirugi
dung chumok ap chigi 등 주먹 앞 치기 back fist strike
pojumok 보주먹 covering fist
tu chumok momtong (c)hech yo chirugi 뒷 주먹 몸통 제쳐 지르기 back fist spreading strike
murup chigi 무릎 치기 knee strike
dung chumok eulgool pakkat chigi 등 주먹 얼굴 바깥 치기 back fist high outside strike
pal gup pyojok chigi 팔꿈 표적 치기 elbow target strike
yop chirugi 옆 지르기 side thrust
Blocks 막기 Makki
patang son momtong an makki 바탕손 몸통 안 막기 palm hand inside block
momtong (c)hech yo makki 몸통 제 쳐 막기 middle spreading or scattered block
pakkat palmok momtong (c)hech yo makki 바깥 팔목 몸통 제 쳐 막기 outside forearm middle spreading or scattered block
ot goro arae makki 엇 걸어 아래 막기 low X-block
koduro patang son an makki 고두로 바탕 손 안 막기 palm hand assisted inside block (from inside to outside)
tubon kawi makki (4 techniques) 두번 가위 막기 double scissors block
  1. right low block to left body block
  2. left low block to right body block
han sonnal momtong yop makki 한 손날 몸통 옆 막기 single knife hand sideways block
son nal areh magkie/ sonnal arae makki 손날 아래 막기 double knife-hand low block


서기, 굽이

sogi, kubi

pom sogi 범 서기 tiger stance
kkoa sogi 꼬 아 서기 cross stance
chu chum sogi 주춤 서기 horse-riding stance
moa sogi 모아 서기 fighting stance, closed stance (like charyot but the toes are together)
Kick 차기 Chagi
pyojok chagi 표적 차기 inside crescent target kick